33 Facebook Abbreviations, Acronyms in English

33 Facebook Abbreviations, Acronyms in English

  • AFAIK: As far as I Know
  • AFK: Away from Keyboard
  • ASL: Age/Sex/Location
  • ATM: At the moment
  • b/c: Because
  • b/w: Between
  • b4: Before
  • BBIAB: Be back in a bit
  • BBL: Be back later
  • BFF: Best friend forever
  • BRB: Be right back
  • BTW: By the way
  • CTN: Can’t talk now
  • CYE: Check your email
  • dI: Download

  • ETA: Estimated time of arrival
  • FWIW: For what it’s worth
  • FYI: For your information
  • GG:Good game
  • GJ: Good job
  • GL: Good luck
  • gr8: Great
  • GTG: Got to go
  • IAC: In any case
  • IC: I see
  • IDK: I don’t know
  • IIRC: If I remember correctly
  • RL: In real life
  • J/K: Just kidding
  • NP: no problem
  • NTN:No thanks needed
  • OMG: Oh my God
  • OMW: On my way