Active / Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers

Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple She delivers the letters. The letters are delivered.
Past Simple She delivered the letters. The letters were
Future Simple She will deliver the letters. The letters will be 
She is delivering the letters. The letters are being
Past Continuous She was delivering the letters. The letters were being
Going to She is going to deliver the letters. The letters are going to 
be delivered.
Present Perfect She has delivered the letters. The letters have been delivered.
Past Perfect She had delivered the letters. The letters had been delivered.
Infinitive She has to deliver the letters. The letters have to be delivered.
Modals She must deliver the letters. The letters must be delivered.

Active Voice

  • After counting the money, he turned to me and said that he did not want to talk more about this issue.

Passive Voice

  • After the money was counted, I was contacted and was told not to talk more about this subject.

Active Voice

  • After finishing his homework, he quickly checked and managed to upload his homework to the system. That’s why his friends expect the teacher to give him a really high grade.

Passive Voice

  • After the assignment was finished by him, it was quickly checked and uploaded to the system. Therefore, it is thought by his friends that a high grade will be given to him by the teacher.

Active Voice

  • If you want to use the TV smoothly after repairing it, you should periodically maintain it and contact the technical support team if you have a problem.

Passive Voice

  • In order for the television to be used without any problems after it is repaired, it should be periodically maintained and the technical support team should be contacted in case of a problem.

Active Voice

  • Did they tell you that we were talking to him?

Passive Voice

  • Have you been told that we are talking to him?

Active Voice

  • I pay the bills every month and after this process you do not thank me in any way. Such behavior is breaking me.

Passive Voice

  • The bills are paid by me every month and after this process, I am not thanked by you in any way. I am broken by these behaviors.

Active Voice

  • Since the people I speak to ask me not to raise this issue any more, you will never hear this sentence from me anymore.

Passive Voice

  • This sentence will certainly not be heard from me, as I am asked to not raise this issue further by the people I am talking to.

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