Antonym, opposite words list in english. 100 Opposite Words in English;

1.about – exactly

2.above – below

3.allow – forbid

4.already – not yet

5.approximately – exactly

6.argue – agree

7.arrest – free

8.arrival – departure

9.arrive – depart

10.artificial – natural

11.ascent – descent

12.ask – answer

13.asleep – awake

14.attack – defend

15.body – soul

16.bore – amuse

17.busy – lazy – sell

19.calm – excited

20.careful – careless

21.careless – careful

22.catch – miss

23.ceiling – floor

24.comedy – drama

25.complicated – simple

26.compliment – insult – night

28.dead – alive

29.death – birth

30.deep – shallow

31.defeat – victory

32.defence – attack

33.defend – attack

34.elementary – advanced

35.emigrate – immigrate

36.emigration – immigration

37.empty – full

38.fix – break

39.flat – hilly

40.floor – ceiling

41.follow – lead

42.forbid – allow

43.for – against

44.foreground – background

45.girl – boy

46.give – take

47.go – come

48.harvest – plant

49.humid – dry

50.hungry – thirsty

51.husband – wife front of – back

53.ignore – notice

54.ill – healty

55.immigrate – emigrate

56.immigration – emigration

57.lose – win

58.loser – winner

59.loud – quiet

60.miss – hit

61.miss – catch

62.moderate – extreme

63.moon – sun

64.near – distant

65.negative – affirmative

66.nephew – niece

67.never – always – ancient

69.occupied – vacant

70.odd – even – on

72.presence – absence

73.present – past

74.private – public

75.sad – happy

76.sadness – happiness – dangerous – danger

79.same – different

80.satisfaction – regret

81.satisfy – annoy – spend

83.slim – fat

84.there – here

85.thick – thin

86.thin – thick

87.useless – useful

88.vacant – occupied

89.valley – mountain

90.vertical – horizontal

91.victory – defeat

92.whole – part

93.wide – narrow

94.winter – summer – rest

96.woman – man

97.women – men

98.yes  – no

99.yesterday – tomorrow

100.young – old


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