180 Antonym Words List in english;

1. idle – busy
2. illegal – lawful
3. imaginary – real
4. import – export
5. imprison – free
6. include – exclude
7. lead – follow
8. left – right
9. careful – careless
10. catch – throw
11. beginning – end
12. beg – offer
13. stay – go
14. stop – go
15. straight – crooked
16. in – out
17. inside – outside
18. joy – grief
19. kind – mean
20. king – queen
21. knowledge – ignorance
22. known – unknown
23. large – small
24. last – first
25. laugh – cry
26. lazy – industrious
27. admit – deny
28. advance – retreat
29. stranger – friend
30. strengthen – weaken

31. strong – weak
32. summer – winter
33. sun – moon
34. sweet – sour
35. beneath – above
36. best – worst
37. bitter – sweet
38. black – white
39. borrow – lend
40. bottom – top
41. boy – girl
42. brave – scared
43. break – fix
44. wet – dry
45. cease – begin
46. certain – uncertain
47. cheerful – sad
48. city – country
49. closed – open
50. cold – hot
51. above – below
52. absent – present
53. abundant – scarce
54. accept – refuse
55. accidental – intentional
56. accurate – incorrect
57. increase – decrease
58. heavy – light
59. hide – show
60. after – before
61. against – for
62. ahead – behind
63. all – none
64. always – never
65. antique – modern
66. asleep – awake
67. attack – defend
68. aunt – uncle
69. authentic – imitation
70. awake – asleep

71. bad – good
72. bald – hairy
73. beautiful – ugly
74. brother – sister
75. buy – sell
76. drunk – sober
77. dry – wet
78. hungry – full
79. husband – wife
80. combine – separate
81. comedy – tragedy
82. reward – punishment
83. right – wrong
84. rough – smooth
85. south – north
86. spend – save
87. start – finish
88. stationary – movable
89. sweet – sour
90. swift – slow
91. take – give
92. tall – short
93. come – go
94. complete – incomplete
95. condemn – praise
96. conquer – fail
97. contract – expand
98. cool – warm
99. country – city
100. high – low
101. him – her
102. hit – miss
103. crooked – straight
104. cruel – kind
105. dangerous – safe
106. dark – light
107. daughter – son
108. day – night
109. dead – alive
110. death – life
111. deep – shallow
112. depart – arrive
113. destroy – create
114. different – same
115. friend – enemy
116. from – to
117. front – back
118. gain – loss
119. gather – scatter
120. generous – stingy
121. genuine – fake
122. fancy – plain
123. fat – skinny
124. fat – thin
125. fertile – barren
126. few – many
127. fiction – fact
128. find – lose
129. finish – begin
130. first – last
131. floor – ceiling
132. give – take
133. graceful – clumsy
134. grin – frown
135. guilty – innocent
136. happy – sad
137. wild – tame
138. win – lose
139. winter – summer
140. work – play
141. worthless – valuable
142. wrong – right
143. yes – no
144. young – old
145. fail – succeed
146. fall – spring
147. hard – soft
148. harmony – discord
149. harsh – mild
150. healthy – sick
151. length – width
152. less – more
153. rural – urban
154. sane – insane
155. seldom – often
156. selfish – unselfish
157. send – receive
158. together – apart
159. top – bottom
160. tough – tender
161. triumph – fail
162. true – false
163. ugly – pretty
164. unbreakable – fragile
165. under – over
166. unique – ordinary
167. up – down
168. useful – useless
169. usually – rarely
170. vacant – occupied
171. vanish – appear
172. victory – defeat
173. dirty – clean
174. discourage – encourage
175. disgrace – honor
76. dwarf – giant
177. early – late
178. east – west
179. easy – hard
180. empty – full


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