Opposite words list, antonym words list, antonym word list in english;

about – exactly
above – below
absence – presence
abundance – lack
accept – refuse
accidental – intentional
active – lazy
add – subtract
admit – deny
adult – child
advanced – elementary
arrival – departure
arrive – depart
artificial – natural
ascent – descent
ask – answer
awful – nice
back – in front of
background – foreground
backward – forward
bad – good
bad luck – fortune
boring – exciting
borrow – lend
catch – miss
ceiling – floor
cellar – attic
centre – outskirts
certainly – probably
changeable – constant
cheap – expensive
children – parents
clean – dirty
clear – cloudy
cruel – human

cry – whisper
cry – laugh
damage – repair
danger – security
dark – light
daughter – son
dawn – dusk
day – night
dead – alive
defend – attack
entrance – exit
equal – different
even – odd
evening – morning
everybody – nobody
everything – nothing
freeze – melt
frequently – occasionally
fresh – old/stale
friend – enemy
front – rear
in front of – back
high – deep
host – guest
hot – cold
huge – tiny
human – animal
humane – cruel
humid – dry
hungry – thirsty
husband – wife
live – die
long – short
midnight – noon
minimum – maximum
minor – major
open – closed
poverty – wealth
powerful – weak
presence – absence
present – past
pretty – ugly
private – public
probably – certainly
professional – amateur
pupil – teacher
push – pull
question – answer
quick – slow
quiet – loud
raise – lower
rainy – sunny
rear – front
strict – gentle
strong – weak
student – teacher
tiny – giant
top – bottom
total – partial
town – village
tragedy – comedy
true – false
wet – dry
whisper – scream
white – black
whole – part
wide – narrow
wife – husband
win – lose
winner – loser
winter – summer
work – rest
worst – best
wrong – correct
yes – no


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