Antonyms are words that are opposites of each other. Here is most important antonym words list;

about – exactly

above – below

allow – forbid

already – not yet

argue – agree

arrest – free

arrival – departure

attack – defend

body – soul

bore – amuse

busy – lazy

buy – sell

catch – miss

compliment – insult

day – night

dead – alive

death – birth

deep – shallow

defeat – victory

defence – attack

defend – attack

empty – full

fix – break

flat – hilly

floor – ceiling

follow – lead

forbid – allow

for – against

girl – boy

give – take

go – come

harvest – plant

humid – dry

hungry – thirsty

husband – wife

in front of – back

ignore – notice

ill – healty

lose – win

loser – winner

loud – quiet

miss – hit

miss – catch

moderate – extreme

moon – sun

near – distant

negative – affirmative

nephew – niece

never – always

occupied – vacant

odd – even

satisfy – annoy

save – spend

slim – fat

there – here

thick – thin

useless – useful

vacant – occupied

valley – mountain

vertical – horizontal

victory – defeat

whole – part

wide – narrow

winter – summer

work – rest

woman – man

yes  – no

young – old


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