Opposite words list, antonym words list, Commonly Using Opposite Words List in english;

accidental – intentional

arrival – departure

arrive – depart

artificial – natural

beginning – end

behind – in front of

below – above

best – worst

better – worse

beautiful – ugly

big – small

birth – death

bitter – sweet

black – white

blunt – sharp

body – soul

bore – amuse

boring – exciting

borrow – lend

centre – outskirts

certainly – probably

constant – changeable

construction – destruction

continue – interrupt

cool – warm

correct – wrong

courage – fear

courageous – cowardly

cowardly – brave

drama – comedy

dry – humid

dull – interesting

dusk – dawn

early – late

east – west

ending – beginning

exposure – shelter

extreme – moderate

fail – succeed

failure – success

false – true

far – near

fast – slow

fat – slim

fear – courage

floor – ceiling

follow – lead

forbid – allow

forget – remember

front – rear

in front of – back

full – empty

funny – serious

future – past

general – particular

generous – mean

gentle – violent

gentleman – lady

giant – tiny

girl – boy

give – take

harvest – plant

hate – enjoy

health – disease

healthy – ill

heat – cold

heaven – hell

heavy – light

hell – heaven

here – there

high – deep

hopeless – hopeful

inside – outside

insult – compliment

intelligent – silly

intentional – accidental

be interested in – bore

interesting – boring

interrupt – continue

junior – senior

kind – cruel

lack – abundance

lady – gentleman

land – take off

land – water

large – small

last – first

late – early

laugh – cry

lazy – active

like – hate

liquid – solid

little – big

little – much

live – die

long – short

lose – win

loser – winner

good luck – bad luck

major – minor

male – female

man – woman

many – few

miss – hit

miss – catch

moderate – extreme

modern – ancient

monarchy – republic

no – yes

nobody – everybody

noisy – quiet

noon – midnight

push – pull

question – answer

quick – slow

quiet – loud

satisfaction – regret

satisfy – annoy

save – spend

scream – whisper

stop – start

stand – lie

strange – normal

then – now

terrible – lovely

there – here

thick – thin

thin – thick

thirsty – hungry

throw – catch

tight – loose

useful – useless

useless – useful

vacant – occupied

visitor – host

voluntary – compulsory

win – lose

winner – loser

winter – summer

worst – best

wrong – correct

yes – no

yesterday – tomorrow

young – old


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