Antonyms / Opposite Words

Opposite of Stress, Antonym of Stress, 20 Opposite Words For Stress

Opposite of Stress, Antonym of Stress, 20 Opposite Words For Stress

Meaning; Give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing

Opposites of Stress

  • let go
  • relax
  • comfort
  • take a rest
  • soften
  • ease
  • relieve one’s mind
  • feel relieved
  • relieve
  • de-stress
  • get loose
  • loosen
  • cool down
  • let oneself go
  • lie back
  • rest
  • ease off
  • lie up
  • open out
  • sit back

Synonym for Stress

  • tension
  • strain
  • stretching
  • distension
  • emphasis
  • accent
  • decompression sickness
  • point
  • ictus
  • printing
  • pressure
  • print
  • oppression
  • edition
  • compression
  • thrust
  • tightness
  • stretch
  • jitters

Example Sentences

  • Alex is stressed out.
  • You seemed stressed.
  • Jessica is unable to cope with stress.

Most Common Opposite Words List

already – not yet
argue – agree
arrest – free
arrival – departure
arrive – depart
busy – lazy
buy – sell
calm – excited
careful – careless
careless – careful
catch – miss
ceiling – floor
defend – attack
empty – full
fix – break
flat – hilly
harvest – plant
humid – dry
hungry – thirsty
husband – wife
ose – win
loser – winner
loud – quiet
ever – always
new – ancient
occupied – vacant
odd – even
off – on
resent – past
private – public
sad – happy
sadness – happiness
safe – dangerous
safety – danger
thin – thick
useless – useful
vacant – occupied
valley – mountain
omen – men
yes – no
young – old


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