Basic some opposite words list in english;

Above –> Below
Add –> subtract
All –> None
Alone –> Together
Laugh –> Cry
Far –> Near
Even –> Odd
Give –> Take
Hot –> Cold
Night –> Day
Light –> Dark
Import –> Export
Opposite –> Same
Hard –> Easy
Never –> Always
Huge –> Tiny
Late –> Early
Normal –> Strange
Less –> More
Little –> Much
Male –> Female

In –> Out
Happiness –> Sadness
Hot –> Cold
Fast –> Slow
Soft –> Hard
Old –> Young
Stop –> Move
Boy –> Girl
Begin –> Finish
Always –> Never
Back –> front
Before –> after
Begin –> End
Big –> little
Cold –> Hot
Cool –> Warm
Other –> Same
Peace –> War
Polite –> Rude
Poverty –> Wealth
Pretty –> Ugly
Public –> Private
Push –> Pull
Regret –> Satisfaction
Ask –> Reply
Remember –> Forget
High –> Low
Humid –> Dry
Include –> Exclude
Junior –> Senior
Unity –> Division
Visitor –> Host
Single –> Married
Sister –> Brother
Smooth –> Rough
Sit –> Stand
Special –> General
Suburb –> Centre
Summer –> Winter
Supporter –> Opponent
Teach –> Learn
Major –> Minor
Here –> There
Interesting –> Boring
Never –> Always
Many –> Few
Tight –> Loose


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