Adjectives That Start with S
- sacrilegious
- sad
- saintly
- same
- sarcastic
- scalding
- scandalous
- scant
- scared
- scarred
- scrabbled
- scraggly
- scratchy
- scruffy
- sculptural
- sea
- sealed
- second
- self-centered
- self-indulgent
- selfish
- selfless
- self-reliant
- semiprofessional
- sentimental
- separate
- serrated
- seventh
- severe
- shadowed
- shady
- shallow
- sharp
- sharpened
- shattered
- sheltered
- shivering
- short-lived
- short-tempered
- short-term
- showy
- shut
- shy
- similar
- simplistic
- sinuous
- sixth
- sizable
- skimpy
- slanderous
- sleeping
- slender
- sloppy
- slushy
- small-scale
- smashing
- smiling
- smudged
- snobbish
- soaking
- social
- socialist
- soggy
- solemn
- solid
- somatic
- soothed
- sophisticated
- sore
- sorry
- soulful
- southern
- sparing
- sparkly
- spatial
- spectacular
- spectral
- spendthrift
- spicy
- spiky
- spiraled
- spiritual
- splashing
- spoken
- spongy
- springy
- spry
- square
- squatting
- squealing
- stagnant
- stanch
- standing
- starving
- statuesque
- steel
- sterile
- stifled
- stinging
- stinky
- stirring
- stoic
- stormy
- strategic
- stronger
- strongest
- subtitled
- successful
- succinct
- suffering
- sufficient
- sugary
- suggestive
- suitable
- sulky
- superb
- superior
- superlative
- supernatural
- suppressive
- sure-footed
- surprising
- sustainable
- sweaty