8 Linking Adverbs, Accordingly, Also, Besides, Consequently, Finally, Furthermore, Hence, However

8 Linking Adverbs, Accordingly, Also, Besides, Consequently, Finally, Furthermore, Hence, However


Meaning / Synonym: at last, eventually. It introduces a final point.

Example Sentences:

  • The bus finallyarrived.
  • The news finally reached my father this afternoon.



Meaning / Synonym: It means “also”, “additionally”, “besides”.

Example Sentences:

  • He is very clever, furthermore, his father is very rich.
  • I like play football. Furthermore, I like play voleyball.



Meaning / Synonym: therefore, hereby, on account of this

Example Sentences:

  • A good job was offered me, hence I accepted it.
  • There was a problem in the university, hence I went home late.



Meaning / Synonym: but, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand

Example Sentences:

  • Mary is very hungry. However, she don’t any food.



Meaning / Synonym: with respect to, therefore

Example Sentences:

  • My son failed the exam;accordingly, he is so upset.
  • Accordingly the more people are happy, the more they connect to life.



Meaning / Synonym: too, additionally, besides

Example Sentences:

  • She speaks French and also speaks English.



Meaning / Synonym: as well, in addition

Example Sentences:

  • What do you like besidesthe apple?
  • My father is nice to everyone besidesme.



Meaning / Synonym: as a result, last, hereby

Example Sentences:

  • I was very tired and consequently couldn’t join them.
  • My mother worked hard to compete and consequently she was first in the competition.