Most Common Prefixes, Meaning and Examples

A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. Here is Most Common Prefixes, Meaning and Examples;

Prefix Meaning Example
Anti- Against Antifreeze, antithesis
De- Opposite Decode, decompose
Dis- Not, opposite of Disconnect, disembark
Em- Cause to Embrace, emphasis
En- Cause to Encode, encounter
Fore- Before Forecast, foresight
In- İn Infield, infiltrate
Im- İn Imbalance
In-, im-, il-, ir- Not Injustice, impossible, irregular
Inter- Between International, interact
Mid- Middle Midday, midway

Prefix Meaning Example
Mis- Wrongly Misfire, misunderstand
Non- Not Nonsense, nonexist
Over- Over Overlook, overdue
Pre- Before Prefix, preschool
Re- Again Regain, return, rebuild
Semi- Half Semifinal, semicircle
Sub- Under Subeditor, subterranean
Super- Above, Superman, superstar
Trans- Across Transatlantic, transport
Un- Not Unfriendly, unsatisfied
Under- Under Understand, undersea

One Response

  1. hiccup December 13, 2018