Question Words

Question Words, Definitions and Example Sentences in English;


Question Words, Definitions and Example Sentences

HOWAsking about a procedure or methodHow can I learn Spanish quickly?
HOW MANYAsking about a numberHow many people live in this city?
HOW MUCHAsking about an amount or priceHow much money will I need?
HOW LONGAsking about a length of time or sizeHow long was the film?
HOW FARAsking about a distanceHow far is the university from your house?
HOW OFTENAsking about frequencyHow often do you visit your grandmother?
WHOAsking about a personWho are your best friends?
WHEREAsking about a placeWhere do you live?
WHATAsking about a thingWhat is her favourite colour?
WHENAsking about a time of an event or activityWhen is his birthday?
WHYAsking for a reasonWhy are they always late?
WHICHAsking about an option or choiceWhich day do prefer for football match?