Relative Clause Examples with Answers

Relative Clause Examples with Answers

Definition Example Sentences
who / that Subject or object pronoun for people That’s the woman who bought my house.
which / that Subject or object pronoun for ANIMALS or THINGS The horse which Mary was riding is very friendly and beautiful.
where Refers to a PLACE We found the wood where I used to go.
when Refers to a TIME expression I will never forget the day when I graduated.
whose POSSESSION for people, animals and things The mother whose child is missing is very sad.


  • ”Who” is a kind of
    relative clause we use when the subject or object we want to describe is a human being.
  • Relative clauses provide details about the action specified in the preceding clause.

Example Sentences

  • The woman who is with the red dress asking me the address was very beautiful.
  • My teacher, who came to Spain in 2001, likes to ride her mountain bike.
  • I think the people who that live on the island are very friendly.



  • If the entity we want to  characterize in a sentence or want to make it more specific is an inanimate entity, which we usually use.
  • Thanks to this, we provide the specific meaning that we provide with who.

Example Sentences

  • The car which is standing in front of the apartment is my car.
  • The house which we rented was in pink.
  • The bananas, which I bought on Monday, are rotten.
  • The wallet which I bought last week is already stolen.