Time Expressions – In, On, At
- In the morning
- In the afternoon
- In the evening
- In January
- In December
- In the Summer
- In 1970
- In the 1990’s
- In the seventies
- In the 20st century
- In the past
- In the future
- In 15 year’s time
- In the Christmas holiday
- In two hours
- On Monday
- On January 3rd
- On the 10th
- On the first day
- On the last day
- On my birthday
- On Christmas day
- On East day
- On holiday
- On my wedding day
- On that day
- on Saturday night
- On a Summer evening
- At 10 o’clock
- At midday
- At noon
- At dusk
- At dawn
- At night
- At the weekend
- At Christmas
- At Easter
- At the moment
- At that time
- At the beginning
- At the end
- At breakfast
- At dinnertime