People Idioms in English, idioms list in english, idioms related to people, idioms related to person
Daredevil: someone who takes unnecessary risks
Cheapskate: someone who hates to spend money
Joined at the hip: to be exceptionally close to someone
Elbow grease: hard physical efford
Forty winks: a short nap
Barrel of laugh: someone who is very funny
Old as the hills: some who is very old
Oddball: a weirdo or a strange person
Down-To-Earth: sensible and realistic
Go-Getter: a person who is active, energetic, and has the initiative to pursue the things they want.
Break a leg: good luck
Cutting corners: Doing something poorly in order to save time or money
Hang in there: Don’t give up
Pull yourself together: Calm down
So far so good: Things are going well so far
A busybody: always wants to know about other people’s private lives
Oddball: a weirdo or a strange person
Down-To-Earth: sensible and realistic
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