Modal Verbs

Modal verbs in english, can, could, may, might, must, should, will;

Modal Verbs

CANAbilityI can speak Spanish.
PermissionCan I go to bathroom?
ProbabilityIt can’t be Mark. He is in London.
COULDPast abilityHe could speak French when he was 6 years old.
Past permissionHe could go to theater.
Probability (40%)It could get much hotter in July.
RequestI could lend you my notebook.
MAYProbability(50%)It may snow tomorrow.
PermissionMay I come in?
MIGHTProbability (35% or less)It might rain today.
MUSTProhibitionYou mustn’t speak loudly. It is hospital.
Deduction/probability(100%)The teacher must be Mark. I’ve seen his bicycle outside.
SHOULDAdviceYou shouldn’t smoke. It is unhealthy.
WILLPredictionI think he will study harder this time.
Spontaneous decisionOh, it’s very hot today. I’II open the window.