English Collective Noun Examples, collective nouns list;
a catalogue of prices
a chest of drawers
a nest of mice
a pack of wolves
a plague of locusts
a pride of lions
a school of whales
a body of men
a crew of sailors
a staff of employees
a team of players
a tribe of natives
a troop of scouts
a troupe of artistes
an army of ants
a bevy of quail
a broad of chickens
a catch of fish
a cloud of insects
a colony of gulls
a crowd of people
a gang of prisoners
a string of horses
a stud of horses
a crowd of people
an anthology of poems
a packet of letters
a pair of shoes
a quiver of arrows
a set of clubs
a sheaf of grain
a shower of rain
a stack of wood
a string of pearls
a wad of notes
a chest of drawers
a cluster of coconuts
a cloud of dust
a posse of policemen
a regiment of soldiers
a staff of employees
a swarm of bees
a team of oxen
a train of camels
a tribe of goats
a troop of lions
a zoo of wild animals
a range of mountains
a ream of paper
a reel of film
a party of friends
a patrol of policemen
a team of players
a tribe of natives
a troop of scouts
a bunch of crocks