
Irregular Plural Nouns

Irregular plural nouns are nouns that do not become plural by adding -s or -es, as most nouns in the English language do. Irregular plural nouns list in english;

Singular Plural
Addendum Addenda
Aircraft Aircraft
Alumna Alumnae
Alumnus Alumni
Analysis Analyses
Antenna Antennae
Antithesis Antitheses
Apex Apices
Appendix Appendices
Axis Axes
Bacillus Bacilli
Bacterium Bacteria
Basis Bases

Bison Bison
Bureau Bureaux
Cactus Cacti
Child Children
Codex Codices
Concerto Concerti
Corpus Corpora
Crisis Crises
Criterion Criteria
Curriculum Curricula
Datum Data
Deer Deer
Diagnosis Diagnoses
Ellipsis Ellipses
Erratum Errata
Focus Foci
Foot Feet
Formula Formulae
Fungus Fungi
Genus Genera
Goose Geese
Graffito Graffiti
Grouse Grouse
Index Indices
Larva Larvae
Libretto Libretti
Locus Loci
Louse Lice
Man Men
Medium Media
Mouse Mice
Nebula Nebulae
Nucleus Nuclei
Oasis Oases
Ovum Ova
Ox Oxen
Phylum Phyla
Prognosis Prognoses
Quiz Quizzes
Series Series
Sheep Sheep
Species Species
Stimulus Stimuli
Stratum Strata
Swine Swine
Syllabus Syllabi
Synopsis Synopses
Thesis Theses
Tooth Teeth
Trout Trout
Tuna Tuna
Vita Vitae
Woman Women

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