Phrasal Verbs

Most Important Phrasal Verbs

Most Important Phrasal Verbs, Definitions and Example Sentences

Check off Make a mark next to Check each name off the list.
Read off Read aloud 

from a list

read the number off the cargo.
Pass out Become
He passed out because the room was too hot.
Carry on Continue Carry on. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.
Make for Move 


He already made for home when I arrived.
Run over Read through or practise something quickly He ran over his notes before going the home.
Keep to Persist in,


He kept to puzzle until it was done.
Check back Return to seeif  everything is Ok They will check back next week to make sure the report.
Come back Return What time are you coming back?
Do down

someone or 


My son, stop doing yourself down.
Come across Discover by 


came across a car I’d never seen before.
Let on Make clear, evince You don’t want to let on how rich you really are.
Keep in Not allow 

Someone out.

Children were kept in after school.
Hold on To wait particularly on the phone They’ll hold on another minute, then They’ll have to go.
Break into
Interrupt (a conversation) Samuel break into the conversation and told us.
Give forth Emit or release 


The roses give forth a very heady scent at this time of the year.
Bring back Fetch something Should I bring the car back with a empty tank?
Look back To think about something that happened in the past When I look back, I’m filled with happiness.
Let down Lengthen My father is a tailor, so he can let my pants down.
Do over Repeat My friend made many mistakes, so I want to do the report over.

Take up To begin a new hobby I’m not very good at basketball. I only took it up recently.
Get around To travel to different places I will get around from town to town.
Go along To continue to happen or to develop He is under the radar but he is going along well.
Back out Withdraw from something one has agreed to do He backed out of the agreement.
Wipe out To destroy 



People worry that climate change will wipe out coffee crops in certain countries.
Use up Finish a supply of something I’ve used up all my holiday entitlement.
Set aside To reserve 

something for a particular aim

John set aside some money fo his kid’s future.
Get up Stop sleeping and leave bed  I first thing I do when I get up is go to the toilet.
Wake up Stop sleeping, or 

make someone stop sleeping

They often wake up at 7. am.
Ask after To ask for information about someone Tell your mother I was asking after her.

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