Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs with Do

Phrasal Verbs with Do in english; do over, do in, do down, do up, do out, do away with;

Do down

criticize someone or something

My son, stop doing yourself down.

Do over

Beat up

Her shop was done over by a Street gang.

Do up

Fasten, close

Do your coat up before you go outside.

Do out

Decorate something
They’ve had the living room done out in blue.

Do without

Manage without something one needs
She can‘t do without a bicycle.

Do away with


It’s time to do away with the death penalty.

Do over


My friend made many mistakes, so I want to do the report over.

Do in

Kill someone

He threateded to do my father in if he didn’t pay up by Saturday.

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