Phrasal Verbs with MAKE in English, make off, make up, make for, make of, make out, make up, make up for, make over;
Make off
Definition;Hurry away, escape
Example Sentence; The thieves made off before the police arrived.
Make up
Definition; Forgive each other
Example Sentence; Alex and Mary angry yesterday, but they made up this morning.
Make for
Definition; Move towards
Example Sentence; He already made for home when I arrived.
Make of
Definition; Understand, find a reason
Example Sentence; I don’t know what to make of his behaviour.
Make out
Definition; Decipher
Example Sentence; Anybody can’t make out her handwriting.
Make up
Definition; Invent, lie about something
Example Sentence; Mary made up a story about why she was late.
Make up for
Definition; Compensate for something
Example Sentence; I don’t eat dinner but I make up for it at breakfast.
Make over
Definition; Do again
Example Sentence; The teacher made him do his homework over.