
Common Number Prefixes

Greek numbers, latin numbers, meanings and examples. Common Number Prefixes;

Greek Latin Meaning Examples
Mono- uni 1 monograph, monomial, monotheism, universe, uniform, unicorn, monotone
Di bidu 2 biology, bilingual, binary, bimonthly, binoculars, duo, düet
Tri tri 3 tricycle, triad, triathlon, triangle, tripod, triumvirate, triple
Tetra quadriquart 4 tetrameter, quadrilateral, quadriplegic, quadrangle, quadruple, quarter
Penta quin 5 pentameter, pentagon, quintet, quintuplet
Hexa sext 6 hexagon, hexameter, sextuplet, sextet
Hepta septemsepti 7 heptagon, heptameter, heptagon, septuagenarian
Octo octaoct 8 octagon, octogenarian, octopus, octahedron
Ennea novem 9 novena
Deca decidecem 10 decade, decagon, decahedron, decimal
Hemi semi- Half hemisphere, semicircle, semicolon, semifinal, semiannual
Poly multi Many polygon, polygamy, polyester, polymer, polynomial
Hecto centcente 100 cent, centennial, centurion, centenary, cent
Kilo- milli-­ mille- 1000 kilogram, kilometer, kilobyte, milligram


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