Prepositional Phrases – At

Prepositional phrases – at, english prepositional phrases at in english;

Prepositiona Phrases - At in english

At the age of I learnt to drive at the age of 18.
At work I’m at work right now.
At once You must phone the ambulance at once.
At least Most Japanese eat rice at least once a day.
At random Numbers are selected at random in a lottery.
At a glance I knew at a glance that something was wrong.
At first At first, I was happy here but now I’m not.
At a guess At a guess, 30 people were at the party.
At the bottom of There’s a market at the bottom of this hill.
At night I can’t study during the day. I must study at night.

At present At present, I’m working for a multinational.
At fault Who was at fault for the accident?
At the door There is a police at the door.
At all costs I need to pass this exam at all costs.
At hand I always have some Money at hand in case I need it.
At the end I’m going to London at the end of the month.
At ones desk My boss spoke to me at my desk.
At school I will meet my friend at school.
At the top of At the top of the list definition is better than all the others.
