Prepositions With TIME – Since, Until, For, During. Prepositions with time and example sentences;
Between a past time and now
Example Sentences;
- She has been here since 5 O’clock.
- He hasn’t slept since yesterday.
- I haven’t eaten French food since I left France.
During a length of time
Example Sentences;
- She is going to sleep for an hour.
- She has been crying for 2 hour.
- They have been smoking for two year.
Up to, but not after, a specific time
Example Sentences;
- I will stay until four o’clock.
- Are you going to work until 10:00?
- Until my father came home, I read a book.
For part of a period of time
Example Sentences;
- I watched television during a break in my studies.
- I met her during lunch.
- Thet met her during the presentation.