Modal Verbs in English Can, may, must, shall, will, ought to, need, be to, have to, would, should, used to;
Common Collocations in English Get, go, have, take, make Collocations.
Verbs + Prepositions – TO, ON, ABOUT
Verbs + Prepositions – FOR, FROM, AT
Linking words also called connectives or conjunctions. Here is some linking words and example sentences;
Antomy word list in English. Please follow the list;
Idiot, Clod, Pinhead, Airhead, Ditz, Doofus, Dumb-ass, Numbskull, Sap..
It looks good. I’m keen on it. It sounds great. I’m fond of it. I adore it. I’m really into it. I’m mad about it. I fancy…