10 examples of past perfect tense

10 examples of past perfect tense

Past Perfect Tense indicates a past action which is completed before another past action.

I had started I had not started Had I started
You had started You had not started Had you started
He had started He had not started Had he started
She had started She had not started Had she started
It had started It had not started Had it started
We had started We had not started Had we started
You had started You had not started Had you started
They had started They had not started Had they started

10 examples of past perfect tense

1.The baby had cried before her father came.

2.Had the water boiled when you went to kitchen?

3.By the time I returned home, he had already left.

4.When I came home, they had already eaten the meal.

5.He began to run after he had seen the cat.

6.I had never seen such a nice beach before I went to Hawaii.

7.I had lived in London, before I moved to Paris.

8.She had washed her hands before she cooked the dinner.

9.Did the students go home after they had visited the library?

10.I returned home because I had forgotten my notebook at home.