100 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense in English
1.Alex is going to a new school next term.
2.Alice is dancing.
3.Anthony is watching TV series.
4.Are you not talking?
5.Are you playing football?
6.Are you sleeping, Joe?
7.Birds are chirping in the trees.
8.Children are playing in the park.
9.Children are studying their lessons.
10.Everyone is listening attentively in the math class.
11.Frances is not preparing for tonight.
12.Francisco is not standing, he is sitting on a chair.
13.He is currently trying to complete his novel.
14.He is getting fatter and fatter because of this sickness.
15.He is not working very hard.
16.He is not writing a letter.
17.He is shopping at the market.
18.He is trying to do his homework.
19.He isn’t working on Monday.
20.Hurry up! The bus is leaving.
21.I am becoming better at sitting exams.
22.I am exercising in the park.
23.I am helping my father.
24.I am meeting some friends after work.
25.I am not giving it back to you.
26.I am not giving it back to you.
27.I am not meeting with my relatives today.
28.I am reading a book right now.
29.I am studying English.
30.I’m driving right now, see you later.
31.I’m going to the doctor right now.
32.I’m going to the library.
33.I’m not playing football this weekend.
34.I’m not watching TV right now.
35.I’m preparing dinner for you.
36.I’m taking you to the market.
37.I’m trying to fix the computer.
38.I’m walking my dog.
39.Is it raining outside?
40.It is not helping to me, please stop it.
41.It is not helping to me, please stop it.
42.It is not helping to me, please stop it.
43.It’s raining heavily.
44.Jack and Jolie are not playing video games, they are watching a TV series right now.
45.Many workers are participating in sports.
46.Mary is at university. She’s studying chemistry.
47.Mary is sitting next to me.
48.Melissa and Drake are shopping at the market.
49.Mom and Dad are playing tennis.
50.My baby cries a lot generally but she is laughing.
51.My brother is not sleeping now.
52.My cat is eating its food at the moment.
53.My father is flying to Madrid next month.
54.My father is trying to fix the car.
55.My father trying to fix the broken leg of the chair.
56.My mother is cleaning the house.
57.My mother is coming home.
58.My sister is not completing her work.
59.My son is currently studying.
60.People are eating in the restaurant.
61.People are waiting for the plane to take off.
62.Players are fighting hard to win the match.
63.Police warn drivers.
64.Scientists are still working to find a vaccine.
65.She is constantly changing her hair color.
66.She is not going with you.
67.She is not going with you.
68.She is playing football.
69.She is reading a book.
70.She is working right now.
71.Suzan is ironing her clothes right now.
72.The boy is not studying.
73.The boys are playing football after school.
74.The bus is coming, be quick.
75.The company is doing well this year.
76.The fans are shouting with joy.
77.The man is talking on the phone.
78.The mechanic is trying to fix the engine.
79.The old man is watering the garden.
80.The plane is leaving, we’re late.
81.The population of the World is rising very fast.
82.The secretary is trying to prepare the report.
83.The students are watching the football match.
84.The sun is shining, and the birds are singing.
85.The train is moving, hurry up.
86.They are learning Spanish now.
87.They are not coming, sorry.
88.They are not working with us.
89.They are playing basketball.
90.They are playing the guitar in the classroom.
91.They are running now.
92.They are trying to understand the code.
93.They aren’t studying English these days.
94.We are eating meat now. It is delicious!
95.We are moving to London.
96.We are not sleeping.
97.We are printing a new book.
98.We are sitting at the cafe with friends.
99.We aren’t going.
100.We’re currently travelling around London.
101.We’re meeting at two o’clock.
102.What are you doing now?
103.What is Mr. Samuel doing?
104.Where are you going? stay with us.
105.Who is asking permission for me?
106.Why are you staring at me like that?
107.Why aren’t you doing your homework?
108.You are listening music.
109.You are not doing that, right?
110.You are not reading a book right now.
111.You are not sleeping now.
112.You look sad. Why are you crying?
113.You see, I’m eating.