32 Future Simple Tense Example Sentences and Forms

32 Future Simple Tense Example Sentences and Forms

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Interrogative Negative
I will come. I will not come. Will I come in? Won’t I come in?
You will come. You will not come. Will you come in? Won’t you come in?
He will come. He will not come. Will he come in? Won’t he come in?
She will come. She will not come. Will she come in? Won’t she come in?
It will come. It will not come. Will it come in? Won’t it come in?
We will come. We will not come. Will we come in? Won’t we come in?
You will come. You will not come. Will you come in? Won’t you come in?
They will come. They will not come. Will they come in? Won’t they come in?