Tense, Direct and Reported Speech

Tense, Direct and Reported Speech, English direct indirect speech and tense;

Tense, Direct and Reported Speech

Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech
Present Simple I like ice cream. He said that he liked ice cream.
Present Continuous I am living in Paris. He said that he was living in Paris.
Past Simple I bought a car. He said he bought a car.
Past Continuous I was walking along the Street. He said he had been walking along the Street.
Present Perfect I haven’t seen Mary. He said he hadn’t seen Mary.
Past Perfect I had taken Spanish lessons before. He said he had taken Spanish lessons before.
Will I’II see you later. He said he would see me later.
Would I would help, but… He said he would help but…
Can I can speak perfect Spanish. He said he could speak perfect Spanish.
Could I could swim when I was four. He said he could swim when he was four.
Should I should call my mother He said he should call her mother.
Might I might be late. He said he might be late.