
+41 Confused Words and Meanings

+41 Confused Words and Meanings

Word Meaning
Accept Receive
Affect Influence
Allowed Permitted
Allude Make indirect reference
Ate Past tense of eat
Break Smash, split
By Preposition
Capital City, wealth
Coarse Rough
Ensure Guarantee
Farther Physical distance
For Preposition
Forth Forward
Hear Perceive
Loose Free
Peace Absence of war
Plain Simple
Principle Rule
Quiet Silent
Than comparison
To In the direction of
Weak Feeble
Weather Atmospheric conditions
which what one
Who subject

Word Meaning
Except Leave out
Effect Result
Aloud Clearly heard
Elude Escape from something
Eight The number
Brake Stopping device
Buy Purchase
Capitol Building
Course Way or path
Insure Financial liability
Further Abstract idea
Four The number
Fourth Comes after third
Here In this place
Lose Misplace
Piece Part, portion
Plane Flat surface
Principal Chief person
Quite Really, positively
Then At that time
Too Also
Week Seven days
Whether If, in case
witch sorceress
Whom object

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