Baseball Terms, Glossary of baseball terms and definitions, Baseball Terms / Baseball Terminology;
- assist
- at bat
- athlete
- ball
- base
- baseball
- baserunning
- bases loaded
- bat
- batboy
- batter
- batting team
- bullpen
- bunt
- card
- catch
- catcher
- center field
- center fielder
- champion
- club
- clutch hitter
- curveball
- deck
- defense
- diamond
- double header
- equipment
- farm team
- fastball
- field
- fielder
- fielding team
- first
- foul
- game
- gear
- ground ball
- hardball
- helmet
- hits
- home plate
- home team
- infield
- inning
- knuckleball
- league
- left field
- left hander line drive
- lineup
- lose
- mound
- National League
- offense
- out
- outfield
- park
- pinch hitter
- pitch
- pitcher
- pitcher’s mound
- relief pitcher
- right field
- Run
- saves
- score
- scoreboard
- second
- shortstop
- slide
- slugger
- softball
- spitball
- sport
- sportsmanship
- stadium
- starting pitcher
- steal
- stolen
- strike
- switch hitter
- tag
- team
- teammate
- third
- throw
- triple play
- umpire
- uniform
- vault
- visiting team
- walk win