Phrasal Verbs With TAKE
Take up sth
Meaning; to begin a new hobby
Example; I’m not very good at basketball. I only took it up recently.
Take off
Meaning; to begin flight
Example; The plane will take off in two hours.
Take over sth
Meaning; to get control
Example; The firm was badly in need of restructuring when he took over.
Take in sth
Meaning; to comprehend sth
Example; I didn’t take in much of the teacher said.
Take out sth
Meaning; to remove sth from a place
Example; The dentist has to take out this tooth.
Take after sb
Meaning; to resemble sb in appearence
Example; She takes after her mother.
Take on sth
Meaning; to accept job or responsibility
Example; Don’t take on more responsibilities than you can handle.
Take down sth
Meaning; to write on a paper
Example; I can take down the messages that come in.