Synonym Words With O in English


Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;

Synonym” means a word which has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the same language. To reach detailed synonym words list with O ( synonym words starting with letter – O), follow the list;

Synonym Words With O
obey mind, heed, comply
oblivious unconscious, preoccupied, dazed
obnoxious offensive, abominable, repulsive
observe examine, study, scrutinize
obsolete extinct, dated, antiquated
obstinate stubborn, bullheaded, adamant
odd peculiar, weird, strange
offend displease, affront, disgust
ominous threatening, menacing
opaque obscure, murky, unclear
open begin, unfold, originate
opponent enemy, rival, foe
optimistic hopeful, confident
optional voluntary, elective
ordinary usual, average
outrageous preposterous, shocking
outstanding extraordinary, distinguished