SYNONYM WORDS STARTING WITH LETTER – A Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;
Synonym word list in English. Please follow the list;
It looks good. I’m keen on it. It sounds great. I’m fond of it. I adore it. I’m really into it. I’m mad about it. I fancy…
FEELING WORDS / VOCABULARY Feeling words; positive, negative feelings, etc. Please follow the list for feeling words;
Good Manners – Polite English Will you …? Will you open the door for me? Would you …? Would you open the door for me? Would you please…? Would …
Synonym words related to very bad, very good, very cold, and very hot. Please follow the list for synonym words;
Different Ways to Say “GOODBYE” in English Have a nice day Bye bye Farewell Take care Catch you later See you later See you soon Take it easy Later …