24 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples with Tenses

24 Direct and Indirect Speech Examples with Tenses

TenseDirect SpeechIndirect Speech
Present Simplelike ice cream.He said that he liked ice cream.
I am living in Paris.He said that he was living in Paris.
Past Simplebought a car.He said he bought a car.
was walking along the Street.He said he had been walking along the Street.
Present Perfecthaven’t seen Mary.He said he hadn’t seen Mary.
Past Perfecthad taken Spanish lessons before.He said he had taken Spanish lessons before.
WillI’II see you later.He said he would see me later.
Wouldwould help, but…He said he would help but…
Cancan speak perfect Spanish.He said he could speak perfect Spanish.
Couldcould swim when I was four.He said he could swim when he was four.
Shouldshould call my motherHe said he should call her mother.
Mightmight be late.He said he might be late.