Category: Conjunctions
English connectors list and example sentences; after, unless, since, even if, provided, because, even though, while, whereas, whenever, so that, once, until, rather than, before, whether, and, so, or, …
Direct Contrast in english, direct contrast sentences, but, however, in contrast, unlike, on the other hand, as opposed to, while, whereas, by;
English connectors in english, Connectors English, connectors of emphasis, connectors of comparison, connectors of contrast, connectors of addition, connectors of illustration
We can express a contrast by using the adverbs however and nevertheless with two sentences. They are always followed by a comma.
While and Whereas are conjunctions. They link two ideas that contrast with each other. Using whereas in english, using while in english, whereas vs while;
FANBOYS, for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Coordinating Conjunction Examples, example sentences;
Connectors of sequence in english, english sequence connectors list, sequence conjunctions, linking words sequence;
“Although“ and “Even though” are all subordinating conjuctions, which connect two sentences together. Although vs Even Though;
Therefore is used to show the result /effect of an action. Therefore is a cojunctive adverbs. You can use it as a transition word in sentences. Using therefore in …
We can use the structure of “so as to” to declare our goal or purpose. We can say that it is used to explain why an action is done. …